How to Make Sure That Your Child Isn’t Being Cyber-bullied?

Teenagers have been bullying each other around as long as we can remember. Even most adults now have been bullied at some point in their life. But now, with technology in the mix in the form of social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc), Texting, IMing, etc bullies no longer have to confront their victim’s face to face. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, we were allowed to come home and escape all of that for a few hours and pretend that everything was okay. But for the kids now, bullying doesn’t cease since the bully can follow them home via the social media. This new form of bullying takes place using something that we consider a revolutionary technology that has been helping millions across the globe – Cyberspace!

Currently being dubbed as ”Cyber-bullying”, this monster is responsible for giving power to even those who do not have the courage to face the one they are tormenting head-on. The internet allows them to stay in the shadows and torture their targets anonymously via cyber-bullying.

How can TheOnSpy application help with Cyber-Bullying?

Spy applications may sound like quite a notorious word but the term “spy” is only used here in the most conventional of ways. The word “monitoring” is apter here. It might sound like an invasion of privacy to most but to parents, it is the perfect way to be on the lookout for cyber-bullies who will be bad for the physical and mental wellbeing of their children. Let’s explore in what ways are TheOneSpy monitoring application is helpful.


Cyber-bulling is a problem that is not going to go way on its own. We need to work together and work hard to eradicate this problem from our lives as well as the lives of our children.


Amelia Stevens

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